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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Exclamation What's going on over there??

    Hey Devs,

    I'd love to understand why all the npcs in the moors right now are stacked tougher than players?

    Why is it that I can take out a R13 reaver faster than an Ongburz Scout, or a R12 Champ in half the time as Mayor Mudbottom?

    The mobs in the moors right now are INSANE compared to the players. I can kinda understand that on Arkenstone and Evermore there are large groups of creeps and freeps, but what of all the other servers out there? I'm on Landroval and the moors is dead atm. Whole kinships and tribes are going on strike and refusing to play moors until things get turned around. Tol Ascarnen flipped to freepside once in the two + weeks since the last patch by a raid of 12 freeps in over half an hour. Only for the keep to be flipped back to creepside by a defiler and a reaver in about 10 minutes later.

    For those people who do solo, (which is alot due to a small server) nobody on either side can do any quests because the keeps won't be taken. As far as I know, I'm the only one who has taken a keep in the past 3 days and it took me an hour. Meanwhile groups of 4+ can annihilate poor creeps but can't take the relic. I think this game needs a bit more balance than whatever we have right now. We want to fight players and have good fights, not wreck 3 creeps solo and then turn around to slog 30 minutes through taking River Outpost.....

    This isn't conductive to new players at all. The only way people are playing atm, aside from the raid nights which turn out to be more or less even depending on numbers, is by rank farming or other less benevolent tactics. I see new players coming in and taking one look at the t3 raid mobs walking around the moors and scram. I see max geared freeps dying against 3 mobs... Why? What benefit did giving the outpost defenders on both sides more health than Thanos? For someone who plays an average of 3-4 hours a day, I don't really want to spend 60% of that time kiting trollageddon in LC while my poor brother tries to out heal the things for 30 minutes. (And this is coming from a r9 red beorning with full dps audacity gear t4, every virtue capped, every stat tome capped, every buff running, and spamming the skills so hard the server lags) Like, its still doable, and I soloed the LC the other night, but why does it have to take half an hour with a small fellowship?? Isn't a 5-10 minute fight like it used to good enough so that we can fight more creeps?

    Honestly I think that all the creepside mobs should have their health and damage reduced by 50% *at least.* And all of the freepside mobs have their health and damage reduced by 33%. If we wanted to go raiding, we'd run any of the far more interesting pve raids in the game. We want *PVP*, not PVE. The mobs should only be there for a way to improve yourself and earn rewards when there are no players to fight, or to create conflict points that will lead to players crossing paths and more fights. The mobs *should not* be the hardest things out there in the moors, and you shouldn't need a raid to take out mobs that 2 r4 creeps can take out in half the time...

    And speaking of raids... where on earth is the loot? If making all the moors mobs t3 raid difficult, why doesn't the t3 raid group killing them get any loot??
    Are we just meant to sit in that little arena or GG map waiting for players to fight since nothing else is soloable, or even worth doing in a raid?

    It just seems so contradictory to make everything raid tough in the moors and then remove raid loot. Like... what exactly is the thought behind here, and how does it help anyone in the moors or make it seem fun?

    Anyway, enough with the tirade of questions that will most likely never be answered. In short, the moors seems to be completely butchered and lying gutted by the road. Any chance we could strip everything back to what it was like before? I left the game at 115 and it felt pretty unbalanced in pvp. When I came back to the game about 4-5 months ago, it felt more balanced than it'd felt since like lvl 85 or so. Can you bring out an update that brings PVP into the main focus of the moors and nerfs the mobs back to short fights? I don't care if they still hit as hard as they do now (though that is a bit to hard) Just please nerf their health so that the lowly Ongburz Archer becomes easier to kill than 3 wargs.

    Hope you see this Dev Team,
    It'd be even nicer if we saw some improvements to the moors instead of seemingly random, pointless, negative, and detrimental updates to pvmp.

    And please take the smaller servers into account when you bring out updates. There's more to this game than just the "Big 2"

    (P.S. I'm not interested in transferring and leaving all my friends behind to move to the big servers. I honestly just want to hear the Devs explain what on earth is going on over there.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    I think the devs want random encounters between freeps and creeps that appear while you are just strolling around the Moors. They appear to be trying to change things up and encourage chance encounter PVP. I don't think they like raid nights in the Moors. Freeps need to get on their horses and creeps need to put on their walking shoes and just start wandering until you come across each other, have a fight, rinse and repeat. Or just have a character that can hang around in stealth mode by a rez circle or behind a tree near Grams or GV. I also suggest shouting out in OOC where you are currently with the direction you are walking. Chances are someone is double logged on both sides and will know where to find you that way.

    I expect the only PVP going forward will be on Evernight and Arkenstone. The new version of PVP is not for small servers unless you are just setting up meetings at the arena they added last year. If I had to guess the devs have never even tried PVP on places like Landroval.
    Last edited by Neinda; Dec 06 2022 at 11:18 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    You're supposed to group up, that's why.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I do know that Orion said he replaced groups of wimpy NPCs with a few strong NPCs to help reduce lag. And the Moors was not supposed to have raid loot removed, but it got caught in the sledgehammer of removing all landscape raid loot and he hasn't figured out how to fix it yet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Your issue is valid but your one sided viewpoint isn't. I don't know what 2 rank 4 creeps you know that can flip keeps but since I came back a few days ago it took a full fellow of BAs and a healer so long to kill the LC LTs and FMs that the CG respawned when we chased a freep out of the keep doors for the end of the fight. The problem isn't a one side issue, it is a total moores issue. You shouldn't have to take a full felowship into HH to kill Mayor Mudbottom. But then again, with the creep map changes who really cares to quest anyway as a creep because the maps are nearly useless. There used to be incentive for exploration, movement and questing that would cause small skirmishes all over the map. Those are gone.
    Backpain 130 Captain || Ugglumugg 130 champ || Mikezor 130 Minstrel || Bachpain 70 Hunter || Tomatoe 60 Burgler || Backspasm 38 Guardian

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