Update 10 Mithril Coin Q&A

The release of Update 10 will introduce a new in-game currency called Mithril Coins. They can be purchased in the LOTRO store with Turbine Points and can be used for a variety of services including Stablemasters, Fast Travel to NPCs in quests, Reviving, Mannequins, and Daily Quest resets.
What does this mean for me?
Mithril Coins will replace some existing items, such as Revive Tomes and Stablemaster’s Writs. Our goal is to provide a simple, consistent interface for the services you already use. Ultimately it should be faster and easier for you to reset a quest, travel or quickly revive.
Why add Mithril Coins now?
We are always looking at ways to improve the game experience.
This streamlines many services and lets you get back into the fun without interrupting the game experience.
Why the focus on this instead of game content?
Mithril Coins are just one of the many features of Update 10 which also includes the second part of the Rohan Instance Cluster, newly scaled instances and raids from “In Your Absence,” the introduction of 1st Age weapons at level 85 and updates to the Fate stat and the Warden class.
Do you intend to introduce Mithril Coins to other areas of LOTRO?
We certainly have some ideas for Mithril Coins and how they can be integrated into other areas of the game and those ideas will evolve based on player feedback.
Are there any ways to earn Mithril in-game?
Mithril can only be purchased in the LOTRO Store for now.
Does this mean the LOTRO Store is going away?
We have no intentions of removing the store, which is a great place to buy bigger ticket items like account-based purchases and unlocks.
Will VIPs get Mithril Coins each month just like Turbine Points?
Currently there are no plans to give out Mithril Coins in this way, although VIPs can use their monthly allotment of Turbine Points to buy Mithril Coins.
How Mithril Coins will appear in game when using Quest Travel and Revive.