New Store Coming Soon
Find out more about the upcoming LOTRO Store Upgrade!
Find out more about the upcoming LOTRO Store Upgrade!
Do you have a Kinship on one of the Closing Worlds? If so, then this guide is for you.
We will begin the transfer process by opening the test world, Bullroarer, for character copy. We will then open transfers between the 10 remaining worlds.
We are finally ready to reveal the details on the new World Transfer process, the consolidation of LOTRO's worlds, and their movement to a brand new data center. We appreciate your patience as we have worked to make the new transfer process as well-rounded, simple, and effortless as possible. The first part of this article will discuss our timeline and the second part will go over the details of the new transfer features themselves. So grab a goblet of Elvish Wine and kick back, because this will be a long one.
Cosmetically equipping weapons is a natural extension of the existing outfit system and we’ve wanted to do it for years. The cosmetic-only items (such as rolling pins and frying pans) you can get aren’t nearly as fun without the ability to use them cosmetically while equipping a real weapon.
The release of a major update is incredibly exciting for us (a.nd I hope for you as well!), but over the past few years we found ourselves wondering if there were ways to maintain that excitement level even between updates.
Update 16.2
Spring is in bloom!
Now Available
Imbuement is a new alternate advancement system for Legendary Items that is designed to expand from update to update.
Find out what went into making the newest Instance Cluster for Lord of the Rings Online.
Come celebrate with us!
Starting today, March 26th 2015, we invite players to apply for the 2015 LOTRO Player’s Council. Don’t want to join yourself? Recommend a fellow player you feel will be a positive addition to the council. We may also select players based on their in-game and community behavior and extend an invitation even if they have not otherwise applied or been nominated. Council members will be announced at the end of April 2015.
Listen in as Corey Olsen, Michael Drout and Chris Pierson discuss LOTRO and Tolkien lore.
2015 Producer's Letter
Now Available
Adventure into the Realms of Men
It's been a long time coming, but here we are at the end of Volume III: Allies of the King, and in this edition of Quest Notes we'll take a look back at what it's taken to get here before looking forward to Book 14, 'The Waters of Isengard’ and beyond!
We took a good, hard look at a few older zones from Shadows of Angmar for the content revamps in Update 13. The North Downs, Trollshaws, and Misty Mountains all needed some love.
The goal of this revamp was to spruce up some very outdated content and yet still retain all of the best aspects of these three very unique regions. There were some great stories, beautiful and diverse environments, memorable characters, and unforgettable moments throughout the content we looked at. Hopefully these have only been enhanced with the improvements that we've made.
Adventure after the fall of Orthanc..
Celebrating Seven Years in Middle-earth!
Mayor Will Whitfoot unveiled plans today for Middle-earth’s first major sports league, the Kingsfoil Championship league. The league will bring together teams from as far away Dunland and possibly beyond, though Mayor Whitfoot did acknowledge events in the east were a source of concern for some teams and their ability to travel at this time.
Starting Today, March 21st, 2014, we invite players to apply for the LOTRO Player’s Council. Don’t want to join yourself? Recommend a fellow player you feel will be a positive addition to the council. We may also select players based on their in-game and community behavior and extend an invitation even if they have not otherwise applied or been nominated. Council members will be announced on April 24th.
Here are the newest Quarterly Wallpapers for your desktop, cell phone, or tablet!
Within the Battle for Helm’s Deep UI, on the ‘Road to Battle’ and ‘Battle History’ tabs is a widget for tracking the progress towards earning rewards. As you complete quests and objectives you will earn medals based on how well you do.