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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007

    Minstrel Red Line Help, Please


    I'm getting ready to start a red line minstrel, I have been playing a hunter. I just solo landscape content, no instances or raids. I was wondering what stats and virtues I should be using? I am having a hard time finding anything that is up to date. I would be very grateful for any help.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Don't expect to find a group as red minstrel, unless it's easy content. Solo DPS is pretty fine, but group DPS is way below other classes.

    A yellow/red minstrel maybe, because the 3rd age yellow anthem is vastly superior for grouping compared to the 3rd age red anthem.

  3. #3
    Avatar de Erionor
    Erionor est déconnecté Captain of Gondor, showed quality
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2018
    2 086
    Citation Envoyé par maurynna78 Voir le message

    I'm getting ready to start a red line minstrel, I have been playing a hunter. I just solo landscape content, no instances or raids. I was wondering what stats and virtues I should be using? I am having a hard time finding anything that is up to date. I would be very grateful for any help.
    If you are purely solo ... Minstrel is fun to play on landscape and a nice challenge. One on one, it shreds enemies, but you really have to think about how to approach crowded areas. Mine is currently level 127 and trying to do Sundergrot, which is really interesting (and results in me dying a lot)

    Gear: Focus mainly on Tactical Mastery and Critical Rating. Tactical mastery>will in general. A little finesse doesn't hurt, but prioritise these two. Then add a handful of pieces with high vitality and mitigations so that you have a bit of extra survivability when playing alone.

    Virtues: I would go with Honesty, Confidence and Wit for your damage and then Fidelity and either Tolerance or Compassion to boost your toughness.

    Edit: If you do decide to play a healing mini in the occasional group, the gear isn't that different. In that situation, have some pieces loaded with outgoing healing to replace the vitality/mitigations stuff. You could happily gear up with Tactical mastery, critical rating and outgoing healing and this would work perfectly fine for solo work as well, as the DPS requirements for landscape content aren't that demanding. Just use the same gear you would use to heal, but run red line traits when solo. I am building my mini with healing gear and only one set of LIs built solely for healing, and he is doing just fine in landscape stuff. I don't want to have to maintain two sets of gear in the long run...
    Dernière modification par Erionor ; 07/04/2021 à 14h01.

    I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...

  4. 07/04/2021, 22h29



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