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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2008

    Looking for newbie tutorial on LotRO music

    I'm browsing the pinned threads in the "Music System" forum. I'm looking for a tutorial on creating my first ABC file that I can play in LotRO. Apologies if there is a step-by-step tutorial for dummies, but I may have missed it; if so, please reply with a link. I got that on Windows I need a "Music" folder. Past that, when I research ABC files, I see lots of similar but not quite the same formats.

    My test that I got it right is that I can create an original ABC file, and I hear it in LotRO on my bassoon[*].

    Context: I'm a classically trained composer, and want to try out LotRO for expressing my music. My day job is as an IT professional [**]. I've played the game for a long while, but not tried the music system.

    What's a good tutorial on LotRO music for someone starting from zero?

    [*] No snickering. I picked the bassoon as it is an instrument I can sort of play in real life. Reeds are a real PITA, and bassoons are expensive
    [**] I could write a parser for the ABC file format, but that doesn't help me play music in LotRO. Just saying

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2012
    3 068
    Don't know if you've come across them but Forte Maestro has a website, with a series of written lessons, all about music in Lotro and a series of videos on the same. Lesson 13 of the written ones is about creating your own songs by hand.

    Website -

    YouTube -

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Musician's Complete Guide To ABCs:
    Aifel of Laurelin

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    I just made some videos about Maestro.
    They start from completely scratch, and when you finish watching them you will know many things about both how Maestro works and how Lotro's ABC system works.
    I have more videos planned, when I make them they will be put in same playlist.
    Aifel of Laurelin



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